Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Love Today

Everything about today has been splendid.
I woke up and expected to see the white fog that has been covering the mountains for the past week. Instead, I woke up to a patch of sunlight (yay!) and a glimpse of Table Mountain. It has never looked so good. The only good part about having glass doors as windows is to look out and see something. anything. Throughout the day, the fog has dissipated into thin air and now I see the Cape Town that I grew to love. The mountains towering over the city is so very comforting.

Work went really well too. Knowing the fact that these are the last few days I'll be working, I have been extra motivated and focused. I also had a chance to talk to some of my co-workers on a more intimate and beyond-business level. One co-worker, Nomonde, has been one of my strongest inspirations here. She has a heart of gold. She invited me to her house for dinner with her husband tomorrow. I'm really excited to see where she lives since I've never been to that part of town before. I am truly going to miss our long conversations in the kitchen/lunch room... Another co-worker, Leigh-Ann, is about ready to pop! She is expecting a baby boy next month but I don't think she'll make it... She always comes over to me because she knows I want to feel it kick. We're throwing her a surprise baby shower this Friday. Which reminds me, I need to go buy her + her baby presents!

Tomorrow is going to be a bit jam packed. Starting with a busy day at work, driving home with Nomonde for dinner, and then going straight to the airport to pick up Agnes. (!!!)
But that is tomorrow and I shouldn't be worrying about that.

So back to today. And my love for today.
I had a conviction to make a video collage of my experience here. I've been documenting a few events, such as concerts and sporting events, but I need more footage of EVERYDAY LIFE and my friends. I love pictures and all, but there is nothing more real and true-to-life than live..action. I started to take some videos on the way home, and I learned the hard way, but I shouldn't be driving a manual in traffic at the same time.

Yep, so I'm back to driving a manual. A white Chico to be exact. It's fun (well, not the part with no power steering. But at least I'm getting some exercise in my non-existent work out plan). I drive barefoot, always on low gas, with my iPod in both ears, and a crack of my window down. I hardly miss the automatic Hyundai that Courtney took along her road trip. Driving manual is so much fun - the pick up is good and it saves gas. I doubt I can return back to automatic driving.

We're planning on going to Pancho's for dinner tonight. Mainly for Doug's going away occasion. Sigh, another friend to say see you later to. But he's supposed to move to Georgia, so I'm sure I'll see him around again.

Anywho, I am such a workaholic..but I need to finish the catalog so that is calling my name now.


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