Saturday, May 10, 2008

Oh, the Irony

Remember that dream I wrote about in my last post?
Well, I was talking to my brother the other day and being the forgetful guy he is, he always asks me the date I am coming back home. To be 100% sure that it was May 31st, I dug through my Gmail inbox and found the e-ticket, expecting it to say: Departure - May 30th, Arrival - May 31st. To my disbelief, my departure is at 1:40 pm on May 29th. To describe how I felt, it felt like someone punched me really hard in the stomach (even though I have no idea how that would feel like).

I have been hanging out with Lauren a lot more, recently. We go out to drink and dance, throw after-parties aka eating our hearts out and talking about everyone's silliness, then attempt to be productive in the day time. Well, in the midst of all these activities we have been bonding over our love of S. Africa and the dark despair of having to leave. But her and I are both the type to try to stay optimistic. The last time we spoke about it was at Lola's Cafe on Long Street, talking over her 4-cheese macaroni and my two-choice Indian curries. She reminds me a lot of my Lyon roommate, Claire, because I usually bring up how much I will miss something. Their response is usually to forget about it and to just focus on the now and make the most of it. It's good to have people like that in your life. They kind of just bring everything to light and slap some sense into you. I haven't brought it up since. Not out loud, anyways. But after looking at my calendar, and going forward a few pages in my weekly planner, realizing that 3 pages later I will be at home, well. I can't help but think about it again. It's like an annoying tick that won't go away.

Well, on the brighter side of things, my friend that I met in Lyon is coming to visit for a week!! I am super excited about it because it will give me more reason to go out and explore the city.

Plan is to go out tonight, so time to wrap up some unfinished work. Cheers.

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